Implants vs Dentures: A Comparison

Implants vs Dentures: A Comparison

By:    |   Published September 19, 2018

Did you know that a majority of middle-age adults are missing one or more teeth? Often these missing teeth are caused by an accident, tooth decay, gum disease or dental injuries. With the advanced technology and care today, there is no reason to go through life with missing teeth! Read on for a comparison of implants vs dentures and decide what’s right for you! read more

Tips for Taking Care of Dentures

Tips for Taking Care of Dentures

By:    |   Published August 7, 2017

Taking care of your dentures can sound like a lot of work. But it’s actually very simple if you know the proper steps and pitfalls to avoid. While there are a lot of similarities between cleaning dentures and cleaning your natural teeth, there are some differences. Read our tips for taking care of dentures and keeping yours like brand new – including common mistakes to avoid! read more